2010年2月26日 星期五

緊急通告!iPhone OS 3.1.3系統通知

This warning applies to owners of
iPod touch 3
iPod touch 2 with serial *MC*
Any 3g unlockers

iPhone OS 3.1.3 is now out from Apple. Supposedly it fixes some very rare battery reporting issues on 3gs devices with a specific problem (It does not make your battery last longer). There are no new features. The release only stops jailbreaks. That's right. No new features.

通知iPhone&iPod Touch有越獄者,
iPhone OS 3.1.3 其實沒有增加電池續航力,沒有新功能,但修改了所有越獄需要的漏洞!沒錯,它只有禁止你越獄而已!



Currently there is no jailbreak for this firmware. Unofficial sources have confirmed that they have patched up the method we used to jailbreak 3.1.2 so you will not be able to jailbreak. If you update you will lose all your jailbreak apps and will not be able to get them back. In other words, updating means you lose a lot of stuff in return for almost nothing back. In addition, there is no ETA on a jailbreak for 3.1.3. It may never be jailbroken. It is likely that they (dev team, geohot) will not waste another hole on 3.1.3. They will most likely hold it for the bigger update that will come with the release of the iPad and iPhone 4.0.
Unlockers - you cannot unlock the new baseband. This would apply to those 3g users that can jailbreak 3g. If you update, you will not be able to unlock.

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